Roxhands Massage

Back Muscles : Why All Athletes Need Strong Upper and Lower Back Muscles

back muscles

Author: Laura B Cornely, NASM Certified Personal Trainer. It took me years to realize I hadn’t been in the habit of strengthening my back. I was neglecting it not because I intended to, but just because I never understood the significance of working on a strong back while exercising. Our backs may be a part […]

The Super Muscle : How and Why to Activate your Glutes during Exercise


Author: Laura B Cornely , NASM Certified Personal Trainer. As an athlete, you may sometimes underestimate the importance of glute activation in daily activity and exercise. Strong glutes are not exclusively pursued by female athletes, they help every athlete more efficiently perform any exercise such as running, jumping, squatting and more. Our glutes are part […]

Massaging Scar Tissue after Surgery-Key things to Know


  There’s a common misconception that a scar means the worst has already happened. Think about it—when you see a scar, you probably think what caused it—maybe an accident, surgery, etc.—is long gone, and now all that remains is an area of tough scar tissue and a good story. For some however, a scar may […]

Weight and Resistance Band Training: What’s the Difference?


Author: Laura B Cornely, NASM Certified Personal Trainer Introduction So, there are many health professionals who have addressed the whole “Weights vs Resistance Bands” debate. Instead of trying to prove which is better, I would like to help shed some light on their individual benefits and mention what to be aware of regarding the two. […]

Natural Ways to a Good Night’s Sleep

Take a nice, deep yawn before you start reading this. For years, scientists around the world have been trying to figure out if yawning has an actual purpose, and the closest thing to concrete evidence they’ve come up with is that the action of stretching our jaws, inhaling deeply, then exhaling may regulate the temperature […]

Shoulder Injury, Symptoms treatment and helpful exercises

Regardless of age, skill level or sport, shoulder injuries are among the most common types of injury an athlete can experience, with an average of 7.5 million reported every year. No surprise, considering it’s one of the most mobile joints in the body. While it may seem obvious that athletes who participate in throwing sports […]